97 double DetLon = 0,
double rDet = 6368)
170 EarthBin(
double r_out = 0,
double r_in = 0,
double lat = 0,
171 double lon = 0,
double den = 0,
double z = 0.5,
int n = 0)
173 SetBin(r_out, r_in, lat, lon, den, z, n);
193 void SetBin(
double r_out = 0,
double r_in = 0,
double lat = 0,
194 double lon = 0,
double den = 0,
double z = 0.5,
int n = 0)
219 void SetDetPos(
double rad,
double lat = 0,
223 int FillPath(
double cosT,
double phi = 0);
227 std::string filename);
238 int index,
double scalingfactor);
288 double radius_out,
double radius_in,
double latitude,
289 double longitude,
double density,
double zoa,
308 double detDist_nextDbin,
double& DetDist,
int& index,
Base class for implementing an earth model.
Implements an earth model with depth/latitude/longitude bins.
virtual double GetRegionZoA(int index)
Get Z/A of all bins with specified region index.
virtual double DetDistForNextLonBin(double prev_lon, LonBinInfo &L)
std::vector< EarthBin > fEarthBins
The bins in the earth model.
virtual void ClearModel()
Clear the earth model information.
double fInvLonBinWidth
1/binwidth for each longitude bin
virtual void AddPath(double length, EarthBin bin)
Add a path segment to the sequence.
virtual ~EarthModelBinned()
int fnDepthBins
Total number of depth bins.
int FillPath(double cosT, double phi=0)
virtual std::vector< EarthBin > GetEarthBins()
virtual void LoadModel(std::string filename)
Load an earth model from a file.
EarthModelBinned(std::string filename="")
virtual void RecordLatLonBinCrossings(double detDist_nextDbin, double &DetDist, int &index, LatBinInfo &latI, LonBinInfo &lonI)
double fHalfLonBinWidth
Half-width of each longitude bin.
void SetDetPos(double rad, double lat=0, double lon=0)
virtual void SetRegionZoA(int index, double zoa)
Set Z/A of all bins with specified region index.
int fnLatBins
Total number of latitude bins.
virtual void AddBin(double radius_out, double radius_in, double latitude, double longitude, double density, double zoa, double layer)
Add a bin to the model (angles in degrees)
double fHalfLatBinWidth
Half-width of each latitude bin.
double fInvLatBinWidth
1/binwidth for each latitude bin
virtual int LonBinIndex(double longitude)
Find lon bin index containing longitude.
TrajConstants fC
Useful constants for the trajectory.
int fmaxRegIndex
Largest region index in model.
ClassDef(EarthModelBinned, 1)
virtual void ScaleRegionDensity(int index, double scalingfactor)
virtual double DetDistForNextLatBin(int cur_index, LatBinInfo &L)
int fnLonBins
Total number of longitude bins.
std::string fErrorMessage_LonInfo
Some useful general definitions.
double radius_in
The inner radius of the bin in km.
double latitude
The latitude of the bin center in radians.
double longitude
The longitude of the bin center in radians.
double zoa
The effective Z/A value of the matter in the bin.
EarthBin(double r_out=0, double r_in=0, double lat=0, double lon=0, double den=0, double z=0.5, int n=0)
double radius_out
The outer radius of the bin in km.
void SetBin(double r_out=0, double r_in=0, double lat=0, double lon=0, double den=0, double z=0.5, int n=0)
Set the properties of the bin.
double density
The density of the matter in the bin in g/cm^3.
A struct holding information about upcoming latitude bin crossings along the neutrino's trajectory.
int nextBin
Index of next latitude bin.
int bin
Index of current latitude bin.
A struct holding information about upcoming longitude bin crossings along the neutrino's trajectory.
int nextBin
Index of next longitude bin.
int bin
Index of current longitude bin.
double min
"Minimum" longitude
double max
"Maximum" longitude
std::string err_message
Part of error message specific to piece of path.
A struct holding useful combinations of trajectory variables.
double cosTcosDetLat
double sinTsinA
double cosDetLon
double beta
double gammaSq
double sinDetLat
double rDetSinT
double xlatextreme
rDet*cos(phi)*cos(DetLat)/[sin(T)*sin(DetLat)-cos(phi)*cosT*cos(DetLat)], unless the denominator is 0...
double sinTcosA
double alpha
double rDetGammaSinDetLat
double sinSqT
sin^2(T) = 1 - (cosT)^2
double sinDetLon
double sinTsinAsinDetLon
void UpdateDetPos(double rDet, double DetLat, double DetLon)
double gamma
double maxSinSqLat
1 - [sin(phi)*cos(DetLat)]^2
void UpdateNuAngles(double cosTheta, double phi)
double rDetSinDetLat
double rDetCosDetLat
double cosDetLat
double sinT
sin(T) = sqrt(sinSqT)
double sinTsinAcosDetLon
TrajConstants(double cosT=0, double phi=0, double DetLat=0, double DetLon=0, double rDet=6368)